Some animals face a lot of struggles in life, and this little puppy was no exception. Without a home and completely helpless, the puppy had to make do with hiding under a shoe for shelter. But thanks to people with big hearts, many animals’ lives are changed for the better.

Sadly, this is just one of many cases where animals are abandoned and left to fend for themselves. These small creatures are often left without food, water, or shelter, which is heartbreaking.

Thankfully, this story has a happy ending, thanks to a kind man who made a difference. Animals, like this puppy, have feelings and love deeply, often more than humans, and we must care for them.

Goran Marinkovic is the real hero in this story. While traveling through Serbia to help animals in need, he found the little puppy. The puppy had no home, and its only shelter was a shoe. It was a sad sight, but Goran couldn’t leave things that way. He decided to take care of the puppy and change its life.

Goran is a man who truly cares for the world and all its creatures. He even tried to find the puppy’s family, but it seemed the puppy had been abandoned on purpose. So, Goran did what felt right to him and gave the puppy a new chance at life.

Speaking to Bored Panda, Goran shared that he looks after any animal without a home, whether it’s a dog, cat, or other creature. His love for animals is endless.

When Goran found the puppy, he immediately gave it food, as the poor thing looked very hungry. He took the puppy to the vet for care, and soon, his home became the puppy’s new home. The puppy, now safe and loved, was clearly happy with its new life, and Goran felt just as fulfilled, knowing he made a difference.

The puppy was named Smesten. Thanks to the food, care, and love Goran provided, Smesten’s life quickly changed for the better. A few months later, the transformation was clear, and Smesten now lives a life full of love and happiness.