
Disclaimer for Animal Chapter:

If you need more information or have questions about our disclaimer, please feel free to contact us.

All the information you see on our website is there in good faith and meant to give you general knowledge. But we can’t guarantee that it’s always complete, reliable, or accurate. If you decide to do something based on what you read here, you’re doing it at your own risk. Animal Chapter won’t be responsible for any losses or damages from using our site.

We try to give you helpful links to other websites, but we can’t control what’s on those sites. The content might change, or it might not be good anymore, and we might not know about it right away. So, even if we link to something, it doesn’t mean we’re recommending it.

When you leave our site and go to other websites, those sites might have different rules about privacy and terms of service. We can’t control that either, so it’s a good idea to check their rules before you do anything on those sites.


By using our website, you’re agreeing to follow our rules and accept our disclaimer.