Your furry friend talks to you without words when he’s feeling under the weather. It’s important to pay attention to the way he acts and moves, because it can tell you if something’s not right. Here are 10 things to look out for that could mean your dog isn’t feeling well.
Here’s what to watch for if your dog is sick
Swelling in the belly
Sometimes, if a dog eats too much, his belly might puff up. But if he’s also feeling tired, throwing up, or his gums look weirdly colored (blue, white, or yellow instead of pink), it’s time to see the vet. You can gently press on his belly to check for pain or fluid. If he’s hurting or you feel something squishy, it’s vet time. And if he’s trying to throw up but nothing’s coming out, don’t wait, go straight to the vet.
When your pup won’t stop scratching, it could mean he’s got some unwanted hitchhikers like ticks, fleas, or lice. Or, it might be because his skin is irritated due to allergies or not getting all the right nutrients in his diet. Start by giving him a bath with a gentle oatmeal shampoo. If that doesn’t do the trick, switch up his food to something with more meat and no grains. But if the itching doesn’t go away, it’s time to see the vet. They’ll figure out if it’s a bacterial infection, a nerve problem, parasites, or maybe just an allergic reaction to something outside.
Body Heat
To see if your pup has a fever, feel his nose or the skin behind his ears. Normally, his nose should feel cool and a bit wet. If it’s warm and dry, that might mean he’s running hot. But remember, just checking his nose isn’t always enough. For a more accurate reading, you can use a special thermometer made for dogs to take his temperature from the back end.
When your dog starts acting aggressive out of nowhere, it could mean he’s hurting and trying to protect himself from being touched. This kind of sudden aggression needs quick attention from the vet.
Uncontrolled Peeing
If your furry friend is peeing more often than usual and even three bathroom breaks a day don’t seem to be enough, it could mean something’s up with his bladder or kidneys. These issues often need antibiotics to get better. Sometimes, suddenly peeing indoors can also be because he’s scared or feeling unwell due to things like thunderstorms or loud noises.
Stinky Breath
If your pup’s breath stinks all the time, it could signal trouble with his stomach, liver, or kidneys. If it smells fruity, it might mean diabetes, especially if he’s extra thirsty and peeing a lot. A sour smell could point to kidney issues.
Spinning Around
Sometimes, dogs spin around in circles for fun, especially when they’re chasing their tails. But if your furry buddy starts spinning and looks dizzy, it could mean he’s feeling under the weather. He might have something called labyrinthitis, which is when the balance part of his ear gets inflamed. Ear infections can also make him tilt his head, have trouble moving straight, and lose his balance. Other stuff like head bumps or eating something bad can also make him act this way.
Butt Scooting
If your pup is dragging his rear end along the ground, it’s usually because something’s bothering his back end. It could be his anal glands acting up, filled with yucky stuff that needs to be squeezed out. This is more common in little doggies and it’s best to let the vet handle it. Other signs of unhappy anal glands include lots of licking or chewing around that area.
Poop Snacking
It’s not unusual for dogs to munch on poop, whether it’s theirs or someone else’s, and usually, it’s no big deal. But sometimes, it could signal a problem called malabsorption syndrome. This happens when a dog’s body doesn’t soak up enough nutrients, so he tries to get more calories by eating poop. To stop your pup from snacking on the brown stuff, keep an eye on him during walks and give him lots of toys, treats, and fun stuff to keep him entertained.
Stinky Farts
If your furry friend is tooting a lot and seems uncomfortable with tummy troubles like diarrhea or not wanting to eat, it’s time for a vet check-up. But if your pup’s otherwise healthy and just a bit gassy, try tweaking his diet to have less fiber and keep the human food away. If he’s a fast eater, switch to smaller meals throughout the day to help him swallow less air and cut down on the gas.
Different types of lumps on your dog: Figuring out what they are and how to help!